Constitution & By-laws
(May 2012)
1.0 NAME:
1.1 The organization shall be known as the Fort Garry North Hockey Association hereinafter known as FGNHA.
1.2 The name of the organization may be changed to one approved by the membership of the FGNHA and those organizations having representation with the FGNHA.
2.1 The area of the jurisdiction of the FGNHA shall include the Community Centres of Crescentwood, Earl Grey, River Osborne, Lord Roberts, Riverview, Lindenwoods, Fort Garry, Wildwood, Whyte Ridge and Westridge. St. John’s Ravenscourt School will also be included as per Section O, Special Regulations, WMHA Rules and Regulations.
2.2 The area of jurisdiction of the Community Centres shall be set out in their constitutions as registered with the City of Winnipeg.
2.3 The areas of jurisdiction of other recognized hockey organizations will be that as set out in their constitutions as submitted to the FGNHA.
3.1 To encourage fair play, equal opportunity and foster hockey in the FGNHA community zone and boundaries for all players of minor hockey age as defined by Hockey Canada, Hockey Manitoba or Winnipeg Minor Hockey association.
3.2 By agreement with the Winnipeg Minor Hockey Association, hereinafter known as WMHA, to operate teams as outlined in their constitution and in accordance with their Rules and Regulations.
3.3 To enter teams for competition in the WMHA for both regular season and post-season play and provide support as required.
3.4 To encourage all members as defined in Article 4 to fully participate at the FGNHA Annual General Meeting.
4.1 Any adult, over 18, who is a resident within the zone of the FGNHA and having a valid interest in amateur hockey.
4.2 With the approval of the FGNHA, members of the FGNHA may be a person or persons that are residents in areas other than the FGNHA zone.
(May 2012)
5.1 The eligibility of players shall be determined as set out in the WMHA By-Laws and Rules, including amendments.
The Executive of the FGNHA shall be the elected executive officers and Community Centre Representatives.
6.1 Executive Officers:
Past President
Vice President - Operations
Vice President - (8A1-12) “A” (2 positions)
Vice President - Direct Entry Program (2 positions)
Vice President - Ice and Scheduling
Vice President - Female Hockey
Vice President - Officials
Vice President - AA Hockey – Twins
Vice President – House League (2 positions)
Vice President – Equipment
Vice President – Hockey Development
6.2 Community Centre Representatives: Each Community Centre shall be represented by two (2) representatives as designated by the Community Centre.
6.3 Appointed General Members
Director Fundraising
Director Communications/Community Relations
Age Convenors (5/6, 7/8, 8-12 and direct entry age groups)
​7.1 Except for the Past President, the Executive Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the FGNHA.
7.2 The Executive Officers and the Community Centre Representatives shall appoint the General Members annually.
​7.4 Any office not filled by election at the Annual General Meeting of the FGNHA shall be filled by appointment of the Executive.
7.5 Each Community Centre shall designate two (2) members to the Executive of the FGNHA. The respective FGNHA Community Centres shall add the Community Centre Representatives to the Executive upon submission of the names.
7.6 Any conflict of interest must be disclosed to the FGNHA executive, at the earliest subsequent Executive meeting of the FGNHA, following the AGM.
7.7 All exclusions within the FGNHA Executive shall be determined by the Executive in cases where an Elected Officer or Appointed Member may potentially hold more than one (1) position.
​The executive shall, during its term of office, have the power and duty to administer all the affairs of the FGNHA, to conduct its business and authorize all expenditures. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, its powers and duty shall include:
8.1 The fulfilling of vacancies on the Executive.
8.2 The appointment of committees from the Membership as may be required to carry on the business of the FGNHA.
8.3 The calling and conduct of meetings as provided for in this constitution.
8.4 The making of bylaws subject to the provisions of this constitution.
8.5 When there is doubt, deciding upon the interpretation of the Constitution and By-laws, a committee of not more than 5 will be struck to determine the appropriate interpretation.
8.6 Administration of hockey programs including the conduct of leagues, procurement of ice, competitions, tournaments, setting of fees, registration of teams and players, subject to the provisions of WMHA.
8.7 The entering into agreements with other Associations, leagues, Community Centres or Government Agencies for the conduct of hockey programs.
8.8 By approval, the appointment and registration of all officials, including convenors, referees, chairpersons of committees, coaches, managers, trainers and player’s as provided for in the By-Laws.
8.9 The suspension of any official, player or team, including coaches, managers, referees and convenors.
8.10 The hearing of appeals on any matter including those against a decision of any Committee.
8.11 To propose to the board the following non-voting “Officials Team” positions:
· Referee-in-Chief
· Officials Development Director
· Referee Assignor
· Head Timekeeper
8.12 The financial signing authority shall be any two (2) of the following elected positions (a police background check shall be required):
· President
· Treasurer
· Secretary
· Vice President Ice & Scheduling
8.13 Exclusions will be determined by the Executive. Where exclusions are evident, an alternate signing authority will be determined by motion of the Executive and an alternate name provided to the financial institution.
​9.1 The Executive shall meet at the call of the President or quorum thereof on a regular day in the month. The Executive shall meet not less than 10 times per year.
9.2 A quorum at an Executive meeting shall be five (5) Executive Officers or Community Centre representatives.
9.3 Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail at all Executive meetings
9.4 The President, Past President, or VP-Operations, shall take the chair at Executive Meetings or, in their absence; the Executive shall appoint a person to occupy the chair.
9.5 The Agenda for the Executive Meeting shall be as follows:
Identification of the Executive Officers, CC Representatives, members from the FGNHA catchment area and any non-members.
Approval of the minutes from the previous Executive Meeting.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
President’s Report
Treasures’ Report
Registrar’s Report
Vice President’s Reports
Referee-in-Chief’s Report
Head Timekeeper’s Report
Referee Assigner’s Report
Community Centre Reports
New Business
Amendments to By-Laws (with notice as defined in article 12.1)
​10.1 The date of the Annual General Meeting is to be established six (6) weeks prior to the May long weekend. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the call of the President and shall be open to all members as defined in article 4.
10.2 Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be transmitted electronically, and posted on the FGNHA website and circulated within FGNHA monthly meeting minutes by the Secretary at least six weeks before the Annual General meeting to the FGNHA Executive community centre representatives/ and to the Community Centre Presidents. The Community Centre Representative and Community Centre Presidents shall be responsible for informing their membership, within their catchment area of the FGNHA.
10.3 A quorum at the Annual General Meeting will be 12 members. These members must be Executive members and Community Centre representatives. Failure to obtain a quorum will require the President to call for a new Annual General meeting within 14 days
10.4 Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail at the Annual General Meeting.
10.5 The President or Past President or the Vice President of Operations shall take the chair at the Annual General Meeting or, in their absence; a majority of Executive Officers present shall appoint a person to take the chair.
10.6 The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
Identification of the Executive Officers, Community Centre Representatives, members from the FGNHA catchment area and any non-members.
Approval of the minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting.
Business Arising from the Previous Minutes
President’s Report
Treasures’ Report
Registrar’s Report
Vice President’s Reports
Referee-in-Chief’s Report
Head Timekeeper’s Report
Referee Assigner’s Report
Community Centres Reports
New Business
Election of Executive
Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws
(May 2012)
10.7 Election of Officers
Vice President of Operations
Vice President (8A1-12) (2 Positions)
Vice President-Direct Entry (2 Positions)
Vice President Ice and Schedule
Vice President - Female Hockey
Vice President – Officials
Vice President - AA Hockey – Twins
Vice President – House League
Vice President – Equipment
Vice President – Hockey Development
10.8 All eligible members, as defined in Article 4 present at the Annual General Meeting shall have a vote.
​11.1 Motions to amend the Constitution shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting.
11.2 Notice of motion to amend the Constitution shall be made in writing/ electronically to the Secretary one (1) month prior to the Annual General Meeting.
11.3 The Secretary shall, in writing/electronically inform all members of the Executive Officers and the Presidents of the Community Centres in the FGNHA catchment area and the Community Centre Representatives of notices of motion to amend the Constitution at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting.
11.4 Notwithstanding clause 11.2 and 11.3 of this article unless supported by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast by the members present at the Annual General Meeting to waive this requirement for a notice of motion to amend the Constitution.
11.5 Amendments to the Constitution shall not be made unless supported by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
11.6 Only two (2) amendments for each Constitutional Notice of Motion shall be considered.
11.7 The Secretary shall communicate the amended Constitution annually in writing/ electronically to the Executive members and the Community Club Presidents not later than the 30th day of June
​12.1 By-laws may be amended at an Executive Meeting or at a Special Meeting by a majority vote in favor by eligible voters present and voting, provided notice of such By-laws changes are submitted to the Executive in writing/ electronically no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date. By-Laws may also be amended at an Annual General Meeting subject to the same requirements of amendments to the Constitution as per Article 11.
12.2 By-laws and amendments thereto shall be recorded and communicated in writing by the Secretary to all members of the Executive and President’s of the Community Centres within fourteen (14) days of their acceptance.
12.3 Only two (2) Amendments for each By-Law Notice of Motion shall be considered.
​13.1 A Special General Meeting, shall be held at the call of the President on the President’s own initiative or at the request of two-thirds of the Executive including elected/appointed Executive Officers/ Community Centre Representatives and Community Centre Presidents. This Special General Meeting shall be open to all members as defined in article 4.
13.2 The Secretary shall transmit a notice of any Special Meetings at least one (1) week before the meeting to the Executive/ Community Centre representatives and to the Presidents of the Community Centres. The Community Centre Representative/ Community Centre Presidents shall be responsible for informing their membership within their catchment area.
13.3 A quorum for a Special Meeting shall be eighteen (18) eight (8) Executive Officers and five (5) community Centre representatives and five (5) Community Centre Presidents of FGNHA.
13.4 At a Special General Meeting attending members as defined in article 4 shall have one (1) vote.
​14.1 The Rules and Regulations will be, subject to clause 14.2 of this article, those of Hockey Canada, hereinafter known as the HC, as published from year to year.
14.2 Where applicable, additional Special Playing Rules will be those of the WMHA, as published from year to year.
In addition to the foregoing, the FGNHA Executive may make Special Playing Rules as it deems fit.
Rules made or approved by the FGNHA Executive under clause 14.3 of this article shall be communicated by the Secretary to all members of the Executive and the President’s of the Community Centres within fifteen (15) days of their establishment or approval.
​15.1 Appeals shall be made in accordance with the WMHA By-laws.
Established: May 2012
_____________________________________ May 30, 2012
President, FGNHA Date
_____________________________________ May 30, 2012
Secretary, FGNHA Date
Fort Garry North Hockey Association
May 2012
(being part of the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the above Association)
​1.1 Crescentwood Community Centre
1.2 Earl Grey Community Centre
1.3 Fort Garry Community Centre
1.4 Lindenwoods Community Centre
1.5 Lord Roberts Community Centre
1.7 River Osborne Community Centre
1.8 Riverview Community Centre
1.9 St. John’s Ravenscourt School
1.10 Victoria Community Centre
1.11 Westridge Community Centre
1.12 Wildwood Community Centre
1.13 Whyte Ridge Community Centre
1.14 Winnipeg Minor Hockey Association (WMHA)
1.15 The Junior Hockey Organizations of the FGNHA zone.
1.16 The Winnipeg West League
2.1 Those powers and duties delegated by participating hockey organizations shall be exercised by the Executive of the FGNHA within the area of jurisdiction of the participating organizations.
2.2 The FGNHA shall adhere to all rules and regulations laid down in the Hockey Canada Playing Rules, Hockey Manitoba, WMHA Constitution, By-laws and Special Rules and Regulations.
2.3 The FGNHA may establish Special Playing Rules for competitions operated by the FGNHA except that such Special Playing Rules would not be in effect during the WMHA playoffs.
2.4 The FGNHA shall operate programs in the category for players designated by the WMHA.
2.5 The FGNHA shall register with the WMHA a listing of all teams with the WMHA.
2.6 The FGNHA shall each year on or before the 30th day of June, establish the total registration costs, including the WMHA fees for all teams.
​3.1 The FGNHA executive shall fulfill the powers and duties delegated by the participating hockey organizations.
3.2 Subject to the restrictions of the foregoing in the areas of participating organizations, the powers and duties of the Executive Officers of the FGNHA shall be as follows:
3.2.1 The President shall:
· sign as signing officer for the FGNHA.
· preside at all meetings of the FGNHA.
· exercise the powers of the Executive in case of emergency.
· together with any other two (2) Executive Officers suspend teams, managers, coaches, players or any other officials and shall report same to the next meeting of the Executive.
· be on all committees as an ex officio voting member.
· represent the FGNHA at a meeting of all participating organizations or delegate a representative thereof.
3.2.2 The Vice President of Operations shall on behalf of the Association:
Coordinate, formulate and assist the Registrar, Treasurer, Secretary and the Vice Presidents in the discharge of their duties
Chair meetings of any appeals
Chair meetings of any suspension hearings
3.2.3 The Vice President 8A1-12 “A” (two positions) shall:
represent FGNHA at all Winnipeg West League Meetings
be responsible for the distribution of the HC, HM, WMHA and FGNHA and other rules to the team officials.
Represent 8A1 to 12 teams with the A council of the WMHA.
prepare proposals for changes in By-laws for the consideration of the Executive of the FGNHA.
ensure that all competing teams and players are properly registered with the Registrar.
have the power to suspend players, coaches, managers or other team officials up to a maximum of five (5) games and be required to report such suspensions to the President immediately and to the Executive at the meeting following the suspension.
3.2.4 The Vice President, Direct Entry Hockey (two positions) shall:
in cooperation with the Registrar and with the assistance of the Community Centres cause the formation, structure and registration of the direct entry teams with the WMHA excluding “”AAA” and “AA”.
Represent direct entry teams with the A council of the WMHA.
be responsible for the distribution and interpretation of HC, HM, WMHA, and FGNHA and other rules to the team officials.
· prepare proposals for changes in the By-laws for the consideration of the Executive of the FGNHA.
· ensure that all competing teams and players are properly registered with the Registrar.
3.2.5 The Vice President Female Hockey shall:
in cooperation with the Registrar and with the assistance of the Community Centres cause the formation, structure and registration of all female teams with the WMHA.
represent all female hockey teams with the WMHA.
be responsible for the distribution and interpretation of CHA, WMHA, and FGNHA and other rules to the team officials.
prepare proposals for changes in the By-laws for the consideration of the Executive of the FGNHA.
ensure that all competing teams and players are properly registered with the Registrar.
Ensure that all female teams have a rostered female present at all team activities including, the dressing room for practices and games as well as the player’s bench.
3.2.6 The Vice President, Ice and Schedule shall:
negotiate and arrange with the City of Winnipeg, Community Services Department and with others for ice allotment required for the competitions operated by the FGNHA.
assign ice as required by FGNHA programs.
assign ice as required by WMHA for direct entry teams league and playoffs.
prepare playoff schedules for WMHA for the categories hosted by the FGNHA.
Provide ice as required by the Winnipeg West League for 8A1 – 12-league play.
prepare proposals for changes in the By-laws for the consideration of the Executive of the FGNHA.
receive an honorarium, value to be determined by the FGNHA.
3.2.7 The Vice President “AA” shall:
Shared responsibility with AA representative from South Winnipeg
represent FGNHA at all WMHA - AA meetings
Chair the AA (Twins) meetings
be responsible for the distribution of the CHA, WMHA, FGNHA and other rules to the AA team officials
attend all FGNHA meetings and be responsible for upholding and administering all AA policies in regards to tryouts, team formation and coach and player development.
ensure that all competing teams, players and team officials are properly registered with the registrar
ensure VP of A program (male or female) is apprised of roster sizes and releases, on a timely basis, during AA team formation
3.2.8 The Vice President of Officials shall:
· Form a committee from the FGNHA membership as defined in article 4. Each person on this committee will have jobs defined and perform specific tasks.
· Liaise between the Board and the members of the Officials team
· In their absence provide reports at each meeting from each member of the Officials team
· Each year, provide names for appointment to the positions of the officials’ team. These appointments will be approved by the Executive at/or before the Annual Budget meeting.
· Provide organizational leadership for officials’ team.
3.2.9 The Secretary shall:
· apart from the records kept by the Registrar, keep or cause to be kept all the records of the FGNHA.
· conduct official correspondence of the FGNHA.
· issue notices of all meetings.
· keep or cause to be kept and distribute minutes of all meetings of the FGNHA.
· co-ordinate all publicity as directed by the President.
3.2.10 The Treasurer shall:
· receive all monies payable to the FGNHA and keep same on the deposit in a chartered bank as directed by the Executive of the FGNHA.
· record all accounts payable to the FGNHA and with approval of the Executive of the FGNHA pay such accounts.
· make all payments by cheque signed by the Treasurer and other authorized signing officers.
· keep proper books of accounts and make them available for inspection by the officers on request.
· have an unaudited review of the Association’s financial statements undertaken on an annual basis.
· prepare a report on the financial situation of the FGNHA at the annual meeting.
· prepare an annual operating budget for the FGNHA.
· propose an annual player membership fee for all players under the jurisdiction of the FGNHA for the approval of the Executive.
· propose an annual team registration fee for all teams under the jurisdiction of the FGNHA for the approval of the FGNHA Executive.
· approve all expenses for game officials of games played under the jurisdiction of the FGNHA and distribute payment by mail or electronic funds transfer.
· recommend to the Executive of the FGNHA, the distribution or disbursement of funds possessed held by the FGNHA.
· Reserve the right to determine that purchases be put on pre-paid status if invoices are outstanding.
· receive an honorarium, value to be determined by the FGNHA
3.2.11 The Registrar shall, where responsibility is delegated by participating hockey organizations:
· be responsible for the registration of all teams and players on registration forms approved by the Executive of the FGNHA.
· determine the eligibility of all players and team officials.
· Receive an honorarium, value to be determined by the FGNHA.
3.2.12 The Vice President of House League shall:
· chair and organize the meetings of the House League Committee.
· in general, be responsible for the liaison between the FGNHA and the House League Program.
· Ensure that all the House League Games are played under HC, HM, WMHA and FGNHA Rules.
3.2.13 The Vice President Hockey Development shall:
· organize and conduct CPD programs for players and coaches
· Oversee the FGNHA Fair Play Policy
· assist and participate in clinics run for the FGNHA by the WMHA or HM.
· Inform WMHA, Area Association President and the VP of the respective category and the VP-Operations of Area Association suspensions.
· Educate coaches on suspensions
· Form, as required, and chair a suspension board consisting of three FGNHA Executive members. This board will convene when necessary to rule on appeals and suspensions made by the FGNHA.
3.2.14 The Community Centre Representatives shall:
· ensure the recruitment of representatives from their Community Centre to assist the FGNHA.
· in the absence of representatives to act as assistants.
· be responsible for the liaison between the FGNHA and the Community Centre they represent.
· assist and participate in clinics run for the FGNHA by the WMHA or HM.
· Host clinics for the FGNHA.
· Provide for approval all working documents used at the community centre for hockey purposes.
3.2.15 The Referee-in-Chief shall:
· assist and report to the WMHA Referee-in-chief with regard to the officials’ programs
· attend all WMHA Referee-in-Chief meetings and distribute necessary information to Area Association officials
· carry out and conduct investigations and report to the President
· hold an orientation meeting at the commencement of each hockey season;
· ensure that all Level I and II officials are assessed a minimum of two (2) times per hockey season.
· In addition: the Referee-in-Chief shall assist, when requested by the Officials Development Director, in any other matters involving the officials’ development program in the area association.
· The Referee-in-Chief shall be a member of the area association supervision team.
· The Referee-in-Chief shall attend monthly meetings and provide monthly reports to FGNHA
· receive an honorarium, value to be determined by FGNHA.
3.2.16 The Officials Development Director shall:
assist the WMHA Referee-in-Chief in certifying officials and help co-ordinate clinics for the Area Association;
work with the Area Association assigner to co-ordinate a system of assigning to develop officials fairly;
supply a ranked listing of Area Associations officials’ capabilities as requested by FGNHA and WMHA;
attend all supervisor workshops for officials’ supervision program and assist the WMHA in supervising as required.
Maintain a list of officials qualified to do the various levels of hockey
Use this list as a basis of supervisions of the officials
Modify the list as necessary based upon results of supervisions
In addition: the Officials’ Development Director shall attend FGNHA monthly meetings and provide monthly reports to the Referee-in-chief and the FGNHA.
These reports should contain information on:
the status of the current development program
a current ranked listing of area association officials
a summary of the assignments for the past month
a summary of the supervising for the past month
at the conclusion of the current hockey season, a list of promotions and recommendations will be made in the report
The Officials Development Director will assist, when requested by the Referee-in-Chief, in any other matters involving the officiating program in the area association.
receive an honorarium, value to be determined by FGNHA.
3.2.17 The Referee Assigner shall:
· assign officials based on list provided by Officials Development Director
· assign referees and linesmen as required by WMHA for:
· House League
· 8A1 – 12
· Direct Entry/Female Hockey
· AA
· assign referees and linesman for exhibition games conducted by teams under the jurisdiction of the FGNHA.
· Twice during the season, (once before Christmas and once at the end of the season) and following playoffs,
· supply a list of games officiated by each official and the total amount due each official to the treasurer for payment.
· Submit updated addresses of officials to treasurer for distribution of cheques by mail, or by electronic transfer of funds.
· maintain communications with the Executive Officers of the FGNHA.
· attend monthly meetings and provide monthly reports to the FGNHA
· receive an honorarium, value to be determined by the FGNHA.
3.2.18 The Head Timekeeper shall:
· assign timekeepers for all league and playoff games for teams operating in the FGNHA 8A1-12 years old program, for all direct entry teams entered in WMHA play including “AA”, for both league and playoff games under the jurisdiction of the FGNHA and for tournament games conducted under the jurisdiction of the FGNHA.
· Conduct assessments of timekeepers
· Twice during the season, (once before Christmas and once at the end of the season) and following playoffs, supply a list of games officiated by each official and the total amount due each official to the treasurer for payment.
· Submit updated addresses of officials to treasurer for distribution of cheques by mail or by electronic transfer of funds.
· maintain a list of timekeepers qualified to do the various categories of hockey.
· maintain communications with the Executive Officers of the FGNHA
· Attend monthly meetings and provide monthly reports to the FGNHA.
· receive an honorarium, value to be determined annually by the FGNHA.
_____________________________________ May 30, 2012
President, FGNHA Date
_____________________________________ May 30, 2012
Secretary, FGNHA Date