FGNHA Catchment Area and Community Centre Boundaries
The Fort Garry North Hockey Association catchment area encompasses the Osborne Village, South Osborne, part of Fort Rouge, Fort Garry, Lindenwoods, and Whyte Ridge Areas.
See map below for specific areas;
If you live South of Bishop Grandin Blvd, your local hockey association is South Winnipeg Hockey Association. For example, the subdivison of Bridgewater is part of SWHA. See SWHA map.
Community Centre
Fort Garry Hockey Association (FGNHA) is comprised of 10 community centres within Winnipeg
Further information on community centre boundaries can be found on the General Council of Winnipeg Community Centre’s website.
Earl Grey Community Centre
Assiniboine River
CNR Tracks
Stafford Street, from the tracks to Academy Road
West on Academy to Harrow
North to the Assiniboine River
Daly Street
Linden Woods Community Centre
Wilkes Avenue
McGillivray Boulevard
Kenaston Boulevard & the CPR Tracks
Waverley Street
Fort Garry Community Centre
Jubilee Avenue, east to the foot bridge on the Red River
Bishop Grandin Boulevard
Pembina Highway
Red River at the footbridge, south to Netley Street
Netley Street, extended back to the Red River along Point Road
Lord Roberts Community Centre
CNR Tracks
Jubilee Avenue to Cockburn Street South
Churchill Drive, from Cockburn to Osborne
CNR Lines, from Jubilee to Osborne
Osborne Street South
River Osborne Community Centre
Assiniboine River
CNR Tracks, between Daly & Main Streets
Daly Street
Main Street, between the rivers
Riverview Community Centre
CNR Tracks
Red River
Osborne Street South
Red River
Victoria Community Centre
CNR Tracks
McGillivray Boulevard
Waverley Street
Pembina Highway
Whyte Ridge Community Centre
McGillivray Boulevard
MB Hydro lines, north of Bishop Grandin Boulevard
City of Winnipeg Limits (Brady Road)
Waverley Street
Westridge Community Centre
McGillivray Boulevard
Bishop Grandin Boulevard
Waverley Street
Pembina Highway
Wildewood Community Centre
Red River
Red River
From the Red River, south to Netley Street
Netley to Oakenwald Avenue
West on Oakenwald to Point Road
South on Point Road to the river
Red River
To Begin Registering in the NEW Hockey Canada Registration 3.0:
FIRST STEP: Click Here to go to the new HCR 3.0 link to Create a new HCR account. Once your new account is created, this will be your HCR account going forward. You will use it when registering players, as well as tracking coaching, officiating and volunteer requirements.
SECOND STEP: Once you have your new account created and have all members in your family added to your account, you will go into the FGNHA Registration link provided to complete your season's registration.
2024-25 FGNHA/Storm Hockey Registration
Click here for detailed support and pictures from our registrar if you require more information.
*** Note for Transferring Players: If the participant has registered in another area/city/province previously (and you have moved to FGNHA), the HCR system will be “unavailable” until the Change of Residence has been approved by Hockey Winnipeg. Contact the FGNHA Registrar at fgnha.registrar@gmail.com and we will send you the correct Hockey Canada transfer form so you can complete the transfer process.
Credit card is the only form of payment accepted by FGNHA. Make sure you have a Visa/Mastercard with you before completing the registration. If you do not currently have a credit card, banks and Canada Post have prepaid credit cards that can be used. Visa or Mastercard Gift cards will also work.
Note: Please do not complete the registration process until the credit card transaction has been processed. If you select “Other” payment by mistake, the system will not allow you to return later and pay with a credit card. If this happens, contact the registrar to have the registration deleted and start over. Select “Other” only if you will be applying for financial assistance (refer to Financial Assistance Programs for further information).
Please remember your login information for future registrations.
Any questions, please contact the FGNHA Registrar at fgnha.registrar@gmail.com.
Moving to FGNHA - Registration Procedure
If your child has been registered in another hockey association in Canada or the U.S., even at the U7 or U9 level, you will not be able to register with Fort Garry North Hockey Association until a transfer process with Hockey Winnipeg and/or Hockey Manitoba has been completed.
It can take a couple of weeks for this process to complete.
Until the transfer is complete, the on-line registration system will not accept your registration.
Step 1 - Please send an e-mail to the FGNHA Registrar at fgnha.registrar@gmail.com and include the following:
Players Full Name
Players date of birth
Name of centre where the player is/was currently registered
Step 2 - Once received, the registrar will forward the Change of Residence form. This form is required for a residential move into our association.
Step 3 - Once the Change of Residence form is completed, and supporting documents provided (see below), the registrar will coordinate the player transfer with Hockey Winnipeg.
Step 4 - Once transfer is completed, the registrar will send the parent/guardian an email with confirmation, and online registration can be completed.
Hockey Winnipeg Change of Permanent Residence – residential moves within Winnipeg.
Hockey Manitoba Change of Residency – residential moves to Winnipeg from another city.
Required Supporting Documents to be included with all Change of Residence forms:
A copy of the player's birth certificate.
A copy of proof of residency which can be:
a) Copy of fully executed Rental Agreement, registered transfer of ownership, or Agreement of Purchase and Sale, or;
b) Copy of a utility bill (i.e. Hydro/Gas or telephone/cable/internet) demonstrating the parent(s)’ name and new address.
September 1 is the date that determines which address should be used for registration. Hockey Winnipeg can adjust this date at their discretion if, for example, you are in the process of moving and will take possession of your new residence in the near future. You will be required to provide proof of purchase or rental agreement in this case to Hockey Winnipeg. -
If applicable, Hockey Winnipeg will require a notarized letter of sports registration authority signed by both parents. If the parents of a player live at separate addresses and these addresses are located in two different hockey associations, both parents need to agree in this notarized letter which parent has Sports Registration Authority over each child. The address of the parent with Sports Registration Authority determines which association the player needs to register in. A scan of the notarized letter will be attached to the player’s Hockey Canada profile for future years so there is no need to submit a new letter each year. Each child must be registered for hockey in the same area each year unless a new notarized letter of sports registration authority is provided.
Additional information on a player’s home zone is available in the Hockey Winnipeg Rulebook.
Player Transfers
Player transfers occur when a player isn’t physically moving but will be playing for a team that is not in their home area association.
Player transfers must be approved (in order) by the releasing minor hockey association, the accepting/receiving minor hockey association, Hockey Winnipeg, and Hockey Manitoba. This process can take several weeks.
For any kind of transfer (area to area, or Region to Region), a parent/guardian must submit the request online from the Hockey Manitoba website and complete the form (http://forms.hockeymanitoba.ca/transfer/). The online request will be transferred automatically to the appropriate area for approval/denial. If approved, the request will be emailed to the next area/association for approval/denial. This form is intended for a parent/guardian to complete so they can see the progress as it is approved or denied.
Player transfers are approved for one year only. Players must return to play in their home association when the season is over. After 3 consecutive annual transfers, a player is automatically a member of the area association they transferred to.
Transferring In to FGNHA
After a transfer has been approved, players must register online and make payment to FGNHA prior to participating in team activities. If applicable, players make separate arrangements for a refund from their home area hockey association. FGNHA does not have internal transfer arrangements with other area minor hockey associations.
Transferring Out of FGNHA
After a transfer has been approved, players can request a refund from the FGNHA Registrar. Credit card refunds are processed within a week. Cheque refunds will take up to 3 weeks since cheques must be signed by 2 executive members and mailed out.
Note: Miscellaneous Fees for tryouts and pre-season ice may apply depending on the individual situation.
2024/2025 Registration Fees
2024/2025 Registration Fees by Age Group
Category | Age | Date of Birth | Player Cost |
| 5-6 | 2018-2019 | $430 |
U9 House | 7-8 | 2016-2017 | $680 |
U9 A | 7-8 | 2016-2017 | $745 |
U9 A Storm | 7-8 | 2016-2017 | $820 |
U11 | 9-10 | 2013-2014 | $745 |
U11 Storm | 9-10 | 2013-2014 | $785 |
| 11-12 | 2011-2012 | $755 |
U13 Storm | 11-12 | 2011-2012 | $725 |
| 13-14 | 2009-2010 | $790 |
U15 Storm | 13-14 | 2009-2010 | $755 |
| 15/16/17 | 2006-2008 | $785 |
U18 Storm | 15/16/17 | 2006-2008 | $770 |
U13 AA Wild | 11-12 | 2012-2013 | $735* |
U15 AA Wild | 13-14 | 2010-2011 | $795* |
U18 AA Wild | 13-14 | 2009-2008 | $825* |
U13 AA Twins | 11-12 | 2012-2013 | $735* |
U15 AA Twins | 13-14 | 2010-2011 | $795* |
U18 AA Twins | 13-14 | 2009-2008 | $825* |
U15 AAA Wild | 13-14 | 2010-2011 | $795* |
U18 AAA Wild | 15/16/17 | 2009-2008 | $825* |
*When a player is selected to play on a AA or AAA Wild team, FGNHA will return the registration fees to the families in order for them to then pay the Wild fees.
Misc Fees
Category | Amount |
Late Registration Fee [4] | $100 |
Tryout (per session) [3] | $50 |
Refund Processing Fee [2] | $20 |
NSF Cheque Fee [1] | $25 |
[1] If a cheque is returned “Non Sufficient Funds”, subsequent payment must be paid by money order or credit card. The privilege to pay by cheque will be lost until reinstated by the Board (following a written request). Players will not be able to participate on ice until the registration fee has been paid.
[2] Refunds require the approval of the FGNHA Registrar and/or Board of Directors. All refunds processed by FGNHA will be subject to a minimum $20.00 refund processing fee. Credit card refunds are processed within a week. Cheque refunds will take up to 3 weeks since cheques must be signed by 2 executive members and mailed out.
[3] The amount refunded to any player who withdraws (i.e. high school players, medical reasons or employment transfer) will take into account ice fees for pre-season skates, tryouts and scheduled games (regardless if played) to the date of refund request for determining amount to be refunded.
[4] Late registration fee applies to those players that register after the posted registration close date.
[5] No refunds after December 31st.
Note: Registration Fees do not cover costs associated with Practice Ice, Tournaments or Windups (among other things). Parents will be required to pay additional team fees throughout the season in order to cover those additional costs. Depending on age and level of play, the team fees could range between $300 and $750.
Financial Assistance Programs Available
1) Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund
The Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund is a $1 million fund dedicated to helping Canadian youth return to hockey during and after COVID-19. It will provide up to $500 per player in registration fee subsidies to approved applicants registered with a sanctioned Hockey Canada association. This new program aims to help Canadian families and communities get youth back on the ice through registration fee support. Applications can be done by the families themselves OR on behalf of those in need by their local MHA. There are eligibility criteria to consider, and please note that these applications require families/applicants to divulge sensitive information regarding their income and socioeconomic status. This information is never shared publicly and is used solely for fulfilling application criterion.
Assist Fund website is here
Application Form is here
2) Canadian Tire Jumpstart
Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a national charitable program that helps financially disadvantaged kids ages 4-18 participate in organized sport and recreation.
Since each child’s financial needs are unique and in order to assist as many kids as possible, funding levels vary depending on these variables. In 2013, a child could receive up to a maximum of $150 per activity for two different activities, through the year.
The grant can be applied towards hockey registration fees. Team fees (practice ice, tournament fees) are ineligible. Payment is made directly to FGNHA on behalf of the family/child.
3) Kidsport
Based on demonstrated need, Kidsport assistance of up to $300 per individual is available to children ages 18 and under to help offset the cost of registration fees. Team fees (practice ice, tournament fees) are ineligible. Funding is sent directly to FGNHA on behalf of the qualifying youth or child.
4) Grindstone Award Foundation
The Grindstone Award Foundation is a newly formed Registered Canadian Charity that provides financial support and equipment to young female hockey players in need. Visit http://grindstoneaward.com/apply/ for details.
5) GCWCC Program Registration Fee Subsidy Grant
To apply for the GCWCC Subsidy, register as follows;
Register the participant online using the Hockey Canada Registry. During checkout, select “Other” as the payment method.
Print your invoice and exit the online registration system.
Take a copy of your FGNHA invoice to your local Community Club Office
Complete the GWCC application process with your Community Club office.
Once the GCWCC application process has been approved by the Community Club Office (and the Minimum Parental Contribution has been paid), it is the member’s responsibility to contact the FGNHA Registrar (email fgnha.registrar@gmail.com). The Registrar will then add the child to the list of registered participants.
The GCWCC grant can be applied to the actual program “Registration Fee” only. Team fees (practice ice, tournament fees) are ineligible.
For more information on the GCWCC or detailed subsidy information requests go to https://www.gcwcc.mb.ca/grants-and-subsidies/.
Note: Please ensure the GCWCC application is submitted well in advance of the preseason skates or try outs (prior to Sept. 1st). Under no circumstances will a player be registered or allowed to attend preseason skates or try outs, prior to approval.
6. Cooper Nemeth Memorial Player Assistance Fund
The Cooper Nemeth Memorial Player Assistance Fund is intended to assist children and youth who would not otherwise participate in minor hockey related activities. It is a “once per competition season” application only. Multiple applications submitted over the competition season for funding of the same player will not be accepted. The payment will be distributed to the applicable player’s association treasurer. No payments are made directly to the Parent(s), Legal Guardian or Foster Parent. The Cooper Nemeth Memorial Player Assistance Fund program is available for Hockey Winnipeg members at the AA level only.
Contact: Registrar fgnha.registrar@gmail.com
AA Hockey WILD
Due to the amalgamation of the AAA and AA hockey programs there will be a different registration process if you wish to have your child tryout. Please follow the steps below if you would like to register your child for the AA/AAA Wild teams:
Register your child with FGNHA and pay the FGNHA registration fee.
Download a copy of the registration receipt from FGNHA that will be emailed to you after you register.
Visit https://winnipegaa.com/view-news/5/2024-25-aaa-aa-tryout-registration and register your child for AA/AAA and pay the AA $175 or $285 AAA tryout fee.
Upload a copy of their FGNHA registration receipt as proof-of-registration when prompted.
If your child is selected to play on a AA or AAA team, notification will be sent to the FGNHA Registrar and the FGNHA registration fee will be refunded to families.
Non-parent coaches are recruited, interviewed, and selected in the late spring/early summer for the following season. Coaches make player selections during the team formation tryout process in the fall, and players who are not selected for AA are released to take part in the try-out process for their respective hockey association.
For more information on the WILD AA Hockey program, visit the Wild AA Hockey website.
AAA Hockey & High School
AAA – Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Winnipeg mandate that all players trying out for the AAA program must first register with their home hockey association. Therefore, all AAA players residing in the Fort Garry North catchment area must register online for hockey with FGNHA.
High School – High School hockey is a separate program in Winnipeg. We recommend that players also register with FGNHA and attend FGNHA tryouts, pending the high school results. Players not registered with FGNHA cannot be placed on AA or A1 teams if they haven’t attended tryouts.
AAA and High School Player Refunds:
Players/parents must email the FGNHA Registrar to request a refund if the player is successful in their attempt to make a AAA or HS team (fgnha.registrar@gmail.com).
Players who attend FGNHA tryouts are required to cover $50 ice fees for pre-season skates. The amount will be deducted from any refund.
Note: To save the $10 credit card refund fee, we recommend that players involved in AAA or High School tryouts select “other” during online registration and mail a post-dated cheque to the registrar (address below). Cheque payments received for these players will be retained by FGNHA and negotiated only after the AAA/HS teams have been formed – on or about the first week of October. These cheques can be post-dated October 1st
Upon receipt of email notification, a credit for the FGNHA registration fee will be applied back to your credit card [1] or your cheque will be destroyed.
Failure to inform FGNHA via email by October 10th will result in the negotiation of your cheque.
Cheques can be made out to FGNHA and sent to:
Fort Garry North Hockey Association (FGNHA)
C/O Laura Thomas - President
134 Tweedsmuir Road
Winnipeg, MB R3P 1Y9
email: fgnha.registrar@gmail.com
[1] All credit card refunds processed by FGNHA will be subject to a $10.00 refund processing fee.
Respect in Sport Parent Program
Beginning in the 2014-2015 Season, Hockey Winnipeg implemented the mandatory online Respect in Sport “Parent Program”. In order for a child to be eligible to play on a sanctioned Hockey Winnipeg team, this online course must be completed by at least one parent or legal guardian of any minor hockey player before the child can be registered. The RIS Parent Program is separate from the RIS Coach/Manager certification and therefore must be completed regardless of whether you have taken the RIS Coach certification in the past. This online program only takes about 1 hour to complete and the cost is $12 plus GST. Please make sure to add all of your children (who will be registering for hockey) to your RIS Parent Program profile.
This Program must be completed by November 1st for your child to be rostered on a hockey team
Information regarding the parent program, including the link to register can either be found on your Area Association’s website or through here. The direct link to take the online Parent program course can be found here.
User Instructions for Respect in Sport for Parents
The following brief instructions are provided to assist with accessing, and advancing, through Respect in Sport.
Registering for Respect in Sport-Parent program: https://hmbparent.respectgroupinc.com
Click on the link or button displayed to access the program. By default the system will load in English. Click the word “Français” to translate the page if necessary.
Select “Register a New User”
Create a username and password for your-self in the appropriate fields. Respect Group Inc. recommends using an email as a username as this is generally unique to an individual and not easily forgotten.
Complete all fields. Any fields identified with a red X is a mandatory field and must be completed. Other fields are considered optional but may be requested by your organization.
Any field with a “?” in a circle beside the red X has a tool tip. If you run your mouse over the tool tip, more information about that field will be displayed.
Review and accept the Respect Group Inc. privacy policy.
Click Submit at the bottom of the page and you will be prompted to associate your child/children to your profile.
This step is critical for the recognition of your certification by your organization.
Enter the proper child information in the Child Management Page, then click on No Further Children to Add when done.
NOTE: you can add other children later with the Profile option.
You will then be prompted for payment through a secure PayPal transaction.
Once completed, click on the language of your choice, then on Parent Program Content in the left hand side menu.
Enjoy Respect in sport.
Linking your child to your existing Certification
Go to https://hmbparent.respectgroupinc.com/secure/ and login (note there is a forgot password button if needed as this is a different account than what you used to register for hockey)
Click on "Profile" button (at Top)​

Click on "Child Management" button (on Left)

Enter your child's information and click the "Add This Child" button (at Bottom)

Also be sure to click “No Further Children to Add” when you are done